Estate Planning

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Estate Planning:

A bequest to Lucky Cat Rescue through your will or trust helps ensure that we can continue to carry out our mission of helping homeless and abused cats receive the care they need.

By remembering Lucky Cat Rescue in your estate planning, you can leave a legacy that will benefit future generations of animals and help provide for our future work. The federal government encourages these gifts or bequests, by allowing an unlimited estate tax charitable deduction.

There are various methods for making such a bequest:

Specific Bequest

A specific bequest allows you to leave a specified gift in the form of a cash distribution to Lucky Cat Rescue. To make such a bequest use the following language:

I give, devise and bequeath to the Lucky Cat Rescue, Inc., P.O. Box 8544, Baltimore, MD 21234 the sum of (insert amount) to be used for its general purposes.

Residuary Bequest

A residuary bequest allows you to leave a remainder of a percentage of your estate to Lucky Cat Rescue. To make a residuary use the following language:

I give, devise and bequeath to the Lucky Cat Rescue, Inc., P.O. Box 8544, Baltimore, MD 21234 all (insert percentage amount) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, to be used for its general purposes.

Contingency Bequest

A contingency bequest allows you to make a gift contingent on certain circumstances to Lucky Cat Rescue. To make a contingency bequest use the following language:

If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby bequeath his or her share to the Lucky Cat Rescue, Inc., P.O. Box 8544, Baltimore, MD 21234 to be used for its general purposes.

If you already have a Will, you can use the suggested wording to write a codicil (an addendum) that names Lucky Cat Rescue a beneficiary of your estate.

Lucky Cat Rescue is an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) charity, EIN 52-2330085, listed under the name Lucky Cat Rescue, Inc.

Cats and kittens are available for adoption by contacting us through our website

Please take some time to learn about our adoption process and read the adoption guidelines before filling out an adoption application form.

Click on “Contact Us” to schedule an appointment to meet a kitty.

Please consider making a donation today. 100% of each donation is used to support kitties in our program (vet bills, food, litter). Lucky Cat Rescue does not have a facility and is strictly a volunteer organization with limited foster care. Thank you for your support of our furry felines who depend on us for help.