Sadly, I’m letting you know Raymond, our FeLV sweetheart, has gone to Rainbow Bridge. I met his foster mom at the pet ER Wednesday night and brought him home with me for the night. We played his favorite classical music and he was such a trooper to hang on until I took him to our vet Thursday morning. He broke my heart when we said goodbye. He was a gentle and kind kitty. He had three good years with Lucky Cat and I was the one honored and comforted when we was with me, knowing he wasn’t alone his last night before saying goodbye. |
We said farewell to our little guy this morning. He crossed over to Rainbow Bridge peacefully. He was so sweet and brought great joy into our lives, we only wish it could have been longer. Sally |
Our sweet Dodger was a junkyard kitten surviving on hot dogs offered to him from Royal Farm cashiers. He gave us and others a merry chase for many weeks until we successfully trapped and rescued him. Adopted out twice and returned to us because that was where he was supposed to be – with us.
He was the most loving cat who liked to sleep in the middle under the covers with his head on the pillow. He was part of the three musketeers, Jeevers, Gus & Dodger. Always wrestling on the bed in the middle of the night. Always waking us up with sloppy kisses. A piece of our heart has gone with him. We will always love him and remember him.
Lucky Cat Rescue Volunteer
R.I.P. 11/01/11 |
Sparkle was such a small sweetheart, 17 weeks young, with a loving future in front of her.
She came to us on July 2nd with her right front paw just hanging. She was meowing loudly, asking us to help her. She went immediately to the vet and was diagnosed with a torn muscle/ligament and put into a cast. She then spent the next few days at the vet under observation.
I picked her up on Tuesday evening, bringing her into my living room, her “hospital” room, where I expected her to be my patient for the next six or more months.
She came to me with out an appetite, I tried every food I could, trying to syringe feed her. Shopping baby food isles for the first time in my life. Tried a variety of things but she did nothing but drink, and even that seemed to stop towards the end. She was scheduled to return to the vet on the morning she passed away.
On the morning of July 8, 2011 she passed onto Rainbow Bridge.
For the short period she was in my life, she touched me strongly. I knew it was going to be hard to adopt her out as I was spending so much time holding and cuddling her. God took care of that for me, calling her back to His kingdom.
She reminded me so much of my first foster, Becky, small, frail and so close to death. God spared Becky and she now lives in a fantastic home. Sparkle also now has a fantastic home, just not on our level.
Foster dad, Bruce |
I wanted to write an email updating Clarice (formally Donna, the tail-less beautiful kitty). Thanks to your wonderful support and emails we reintroduced her in late feb and since then she has been great. Our tiny little wonder is full of spit and fire now LOL. She dominates the house. I put a pic and a brief update on your FB page a few weeks ago. She loves it when I turn the heating pad on at night and she cuddles on my lap.
Unfortunately the reason for this email is a bit less happy. We adopted Saki (formally Billy) in June 2002. He was two years old and a huge rough looking gray and white tabby. He filled out wonderfully, ending up at a large 25 pounds. He was such a lovebug. I am still amazed that he wasn’t adopted quickly. He was a great cat for our two boys, he loved them dearly. Monday morning my husband was leaving for work and found that Saki has passed away. This was completely unexpected and quite a shock to everyone. The night before I couldn’t sleep and Saki was next to me on the couch getting his belly rubbed til about 1230 am. I can only say in hindsight that he appeared to be a bit agitated during the day but nothing that I took any special notice too. My boys, Jake and Max (5 years and 2 years) were very upset. Jake keeps asking why Saki went to heaven. We loved him so much.
We lost a female cat in December, before we adopted Clarice, due to a long drawn out bladder infection that could not be healed and turned into internal bleeding and severe bladder damage. Poor Daisy Mae was sick for months and her passing was understood and we knew she was finally at peace.
Anyway, we wanted to thank you so much for finding Saki for us and taking such wonderful care of him until we found him. All of our cats adopted from you have been wonderful and blessings to our family. R.C just turned 19 years old and is doing great! Clarice is really taking to him. I have included a pic of Saki taken in Feb on my son’s chair. It was a birthday gift that my son only got to use once or twice and Saki then claimed it as his own LOL he will be missed !
Katy K.—Happy Lucky Cat owner |
Friendly’s name spoke for itself. He was truely one of the friendliest cats I’ve ever met. He was a Lucky Cat rescue diagnosed with FIV/FEVL and he truely captured the heart of anyone who came in contact with him. He loved to hold a conversation with you and demand from those who weren’t cat friendly to acknowledge his presence and show him some affection and they were happy to give it to him. Friendly fought hard to stay with us but he is finally at peace and pain free. He was a wonderful Lucky Cat, a terrific companion and my friend. He will be sorely missed by eveyone. R.I.P Friendly *06/05/06-12/6/09* |
Smokey Jo
Smokey Joe came to us with his brothers when they were about 4 weeks old. He was the smallest and the weakest. Little did we know that God sent him to us for just a short while. He gave love to anyone he met. He loved to kiss my nose and cuddle. He liked to play but not for long. Mostly he liked to snuggle with us!! He left his imprint on our hearts and is sorely missed. We miss you, we love you and we will meet you at Rainbow Bridge. |
James Gang
Here is the James gang.. Little sweethearts that left the world too soon. They were loved lots and touched the hearts of everyone that tried so hard to save them. They will not be forgotten. |
Luke was one of the sweetest kittens we have ever fostered. He loved to run at you full-speed, jump on your lap, and then nuzzle your face and purr his little heart out – those were the best greetings EVER! Had he made it through his ordeal, he would have the first foster we’ve ever adopted. Though he was only with us for two short months, we grew to love him as if he were our child. We will never forget the amount of love he gave us on a daily basis and how much we looked forward to seeing those beautiful blue eyes every day when we got home from work. Whether he was using our chins as chew-toys, or sticking his nose up inside of our noses, he never failed to make us smile and laugh. He will forever be considered a part of our family and will be greatly missed.
We miss you Lukie-shmukies!
Lauren and Dave
Fred AKA Big Boy
Fred AKA “Big Boy” was one of a kind. He landed in foster care with Lucky Cat Rescue when he was left behind in a burning building. Thankfully he survived the fire without injury. The moment he arrived he walked over to the area made just for him with a nice soft bed and he started kneading and sucking on the bed as if to say thank you and I’m home now. Foster care was supposed to be a temporary situation until he was able to return to his original home which was Hamilton Animal Hospital. However, God always turns a bad situation into something positive and that was exactly what happened when we “fostered” Fred for seven years. Fred blended right into our family; he was a big gentle guy, kind and loving, never caused any heartache or problem. He was the purrfect gentleman and we can honestly say he was a blessing to us and he could melt your heart when he would look at you with those big round beautiful green eyes. What a special boy that will be missed but ALWAYS remembered. |
Tom Bouchelle
Tom Bouchelle and his family have adopted three Lucky Cats in the last five years. When Tom passed away, his family asked friends and relatives to send donations to Lucky Cat Rescue in lieu of flowers. Vanessa, Tom’s wife, said Lucky, Tom’s adopted Lucky Cat, brought so much joy into Tom’s life, he would have wanted it this way (you can see how proud he is in the photo).
Lucky Cat Rescue is saddened by the loss of such a friend to the animals, but will use Tom and his family’s generous gift to continue the work that he so believed in. |
Rufus came into our lives and captured our hearts. He was a very sweet kitty who you could not help but fall in love with. He loved to play and loved attention. He was only with his new family for a short time but in that time he stole their hearts and captured their love. He went to Rainbow Ridge and is romping with other Lucky Cats. He will be missed by all the Lucky Cat Volunteers that took care of him and his loving family John, Donna, Joelle, Kelsey and Sammi. We will forever hold you in our hearts. |
Some cats you adopt, Some cats adopt you.
Bubba adopted us. He came to our home sick and scared. We helped him become healthy and he found his place in our home. He loved belly rubs and mornings in the sun with his best friend, Nutmeg. He passed in our home surrounded by the ones who loved him the most. We will never forget all the joy he gave us.
We miss you Big Guy,
Nutmeg, Jim, Amy, Kaiya, Evan and Aldyn. |
In 1991, a 6 month old kitten, dirty, hungry and homeless, made her way into the apartment building and up the steps to the door of Cindy Lamp?s apartment. When Cindy opened the door, the kitten came barreling in as if she lived there. Little did Cindy know that was the beginning of their life together. ?Kelsey?, as the kitten was named, would be the ?queen? for 16-1/2 years living with Cindy. She was a little trooper surviving the surgery 4 years ago to remove her cancerous front leg. But missing one leg didn?t keep her from giving and getting lovin?. In her later years, she became quite fond of rolling around on the floor waving her front leg and wagging a rear leg, thus the game of ?Rolley, Poley, Olley? was invented. She played this game with Cindy on a regular basis and looked forward to this time spent together. However, recently the cancer came back and it spread throughout her body and would take her from this world. Kelsey will always be remembered as such a good companion and sweet kitty who picked her very own home so many years ago. Pretty smart kitty she was! |
Bosley was a sweet good old guy. Very scared and never liked to be seen. He liked to play with Barbie dolls. He was a special feral cat who lived out his last months in the warmth and comfort of a volunteer’s basement. Bosley will never be forgotten. |
Denver was a warm loving little guy who touched the heart of everyone he met. He lived in a nice house until his family moved away; they left him behind to fend for himself. He took up residence on a kind woman?s porch. She fed him but could not take him in, but she did call Lucky Cat for help with getting him seen by a vet. Her intention was to get him neutered and then release him back onto her porch. He was such a good kitty he walked right into the carrier as if to say, “thank you for caring about me.” Once at the vet’s, it was obvious he had the courage and will to survive, but not on the streets. Denver was totally deaf and his kidneys were failing. He never complained about his fate and until the end, he was a kind, loving gentle little man.
He took up residence with one of our volunteers and fit right in with the rest of the gang.
Lucky Cat Rescue promised him a warm loving home for whatever time he had left. He gave us much more then we could ever give him. There are kitties and people in this world who touch your heart the moment you meet them. Denver was this sort of fellow.
We miss you Denver and look forward to the day we meet again at Rainbow Bridge. |
Mr. Mister
Mr. Mister was proof that feral cats do enjoy having a family and loving home even after many years of living in a colony. Mr. Mister honored us with his presence for two years, which allowed him to say good-bye with dignity. |
No Image of Tux |
Tux was not only beautiful, but gentle and loving — even though he suffered greatly. Unfortunately, daily medication and all the love Joshua provided wasn’t enough to heal his badly infected body. It is not the ending Tux deserved, however, he no longer has to fight for each breath and is resting peacefully. |
Sunday was an adorable alley cat with lots of personality. She survived approximately five years through summer heat and bitter cold winter. Unfortunately, Sunday had a severe heart murmur and she passed away in loving hands at Academy Animal Hospital.
Sunday — Tux, Inky, Patches and Bandit miss you very much! |
Maddie went to Rainbow Bridge after complications during surgery. She was a sweet, loving kitty, who will be sorely missed. |
Tiggaroto passed away after a mass was found. He will be dearly missed by Evelyn and his brother TeeTee. |
Kitty was a truely loving little girl who is deeply missed by her family. She waits for them at Rainbow Bridge and until they come for her, she sits by the pool eating ice cream and whipped cream. |
Misty will be dearly missed by all of us. We have many fond memories of her life and how much joy she brought to our family. |

Mel, Mikey and Davey
Mel, Mikey and Davey were abandoned and brought to Lucky Cat Rescue. These little guys were loving and playful but not strong enough to overcome the loss of their mom and the terrible illness that took their young lives. They left their little paw prints embedded in the hearts of their foster mom and dad and all the Lucky Cat volunteers who tried in vain to save them.
We said goodbye to our sweet angel tonight. Seffy was 16 years old and the sweetest kitty we’ve ever had. She went to Rainbow Bridge and is now with all those that went before her. She will see so many familiar faces and will have health and peace. She took a piece of our heart but we have 16 years of happy and special memories to make us smile when reflecting on how special and what a Lucky Cat she was. Truthfully, we were the ones that were lucky to have her in our lives. She was a furry angel sent for us to love and we certainly received much love in return. Seffy Bear we will ALWAYS love you!
Buggies, our baby boy, joined his sister, Seffy, today and she will greet him with open paws as he enters the gate at Rainbow Bridge. Buggies we will ALWAYS love you and you will ALWAYS be mommy’s boy!
Manny shared his love and left us with wonderful memories to cherish. He no longer needs medication and has been reunited with his family that greeted him at Rainbow Bridge. Manny you took a piece of our heart and we will always love you.
Tyson & Toby
Tyson was our first tuxedo cat and he was a true gentleman. Although he came to us FIV positive, with a BB lodged in his ear, he had a very sweet temperament and lived with us for six wonderful years. Toby was also FIV positive, also with a BB lodged in his shoulder. In spite of these early setbacks, he was the most affectionate cat we’ve ever had and for eight years, he just loved to curl up on our laps and sleep. Tyson and Toby died four months apart, both from cancer, and we miss them very much. Thank you to the volunteers at Lucky Cat Rescue who give kitties like them a chance to find a loving home. Our lives were truly blessed by them and by all of you. |
Kimberly Ann Leto
Kim was born in New York on August 24, 1961 and raised in Joppa, MD. She was a Loyola College graduate. She lived in New Jersey, PA, and California before returning to Maryland and living on Patterson Park in Baltimore City. She was a lover of cats and a good belly laugh. Kim’s family has adopted through Lucky Cat and has asked donations be made to LCR in Kim’s honor. We’ve been receiving many donations through the generosity of her family that is dealing with such a tragedy.
Sharing sad news–thought everyone would want to know Java went to Rainbow Bridge this morning. Java has been a Lucky Cat since October 2008. Java was a special needs kitty because she had severe arthritis and a mouth like a sailor which she could back-up with her claws, if you recall from seeing her at adoption events.
Bill a big thank you from all of us for loving and caring for this girl for so many years. You gave her the love and home she needed even though she was never officially adopted she found her forever home with you. We know you’re going to miss her. She left you with many memories that will make you smile when you think of her feisty personality, your war wounds from her, but best of all the love she shared and returned to you which was her way of saying “thanks for loving me when no one else would”. We know she’s now with all our Lucky Cat family that has gone before her and they are all happy, healthy, and at peace. |
Today I had to say the hardest goodbye to one of my very best friends. This little boy was more than just an animal to me and nobody will understand the bond he and I shared. He had an ear infection that unfortunately made its way to his brain. I am fortunate to have spent 12 joy-filled years with him, even though I wish I had more. I am still completely shocked, heartbroken, empty, and at a loss for words. I love and miss him dearly.
-Alex, LCR Volunteer |
Little was the loving companion of volunteer Renee Mierczak. She went to the Rainbow Bridge on June 18, 2016 at the ripe age of 18 years and 9 months after suffering a debilitating stroke the day before. She would purr like a percolating coffee pot and lay next to her owners head at night and lick her hair. Little was very chill and got along with every foster kitty that came into the house. She will be missed by everyone in the family but has 2 sisters and a brother waiting for her at the Rainbow Bridge. |