Foster Home Application

Foster homes are a vital element in the process of achieving successful rescues.

Once a cat or kitten is initially rescued, he or she must be examined by a veterinarian, given immunization shots, spayed or neutered and sometimes treated for other health issues. This alone can be traumatic, not to mention the life the poor animal had before it’s rescue. Foster homes provide a much needed transition for the cats to rest, relax, recover and in most cases, learn that being indoors with kind and gentle humans where they are warm, dry and well fed is much better than their previous existence.

Foster parents find their contribution to these cats well being extraordinarily rewarding when their wards become socialized to the point where they can be placed in their forever homes.

Your age:*
Home phone:*
Cell phone:*
Work Phone:*
E-mail Address:*
What is the best way to contact you? *
About your home: I live in a *
Do you:*
If renting, does your landlord allow pets?
What would you do if you moved to a residence where pets were not permitted? *
Landlord's name:
How many times have you moved in the last five years: *
Do you have any plans to move in the next five years? *
Landlord's phone number:


How many adults live in your household?*
How many children live in your household? **
What are the children's ages?*
Are all members of your household in agreement about adopting a cat? *
For whom are you adopting this cat? *
Who will be the primary caregiver for this cat? *
Who will be financially responsible for this cat? *
Are you willing to have all members of your household meet a LCR representative to meet the cat that you are applying for? *
Do any members of your household have asthma, or have allergies to cats? *
Describe your household activity/noise level: *
How often do you travel?*
How will you care for your cat when you are traveling? *


Please list all animals you currently own:

Pet #1 - Name:
Pet #1 - Species:
If other, please specify:
Pet #1 - Breed:
Pet #1 - Age:
Pet #1 - Sex:
Is pet #1 Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
How long have you owned pet #1?
Are all of pet #1's vaccinations up to date?
Pet #2 - Name:
Pet #2 - Species:
Pet #2 - If other, please specify:
Pet #2 - Breed:
Pet #2 - Age:
Pet #2 - Sex:
Is pet #2 Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
How long have you owned pet #2?
Are all of pet #2's vaccinations up to date?
Pet #3 - Name:
Pet #3 - Species:
Pet #3 - If other, please specify:
Pet #3 - Breed:
Pet #3 - Age:
Pet #3 - Sex:
Is pet #3 Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
How long have you owned pet #3?
Are all of pet #3's vaccinations up to date?
Pet #4 - Name:
Pet #4 - Species:
Pet #4 - If other, please specify:
Pet #4 - Breed:
Pet #4 - Age:
Pet #4 - Sex:
Is pet #4 Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
How long have you owned pet #4?
Are all of pet #4's vaccinations up to date?
Pet #5 - Name:
Pet #5 - Species:
Pet #5 - If other, please specify:
Pet #5 - Breed:
Pet #5 - Age:
Pet #5 - Sex:
Is pet #5 Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
How long have you owned pet #5?
Are all of pet #5's vaccinations up to date?


If you have a cat, does it get along with other cats? *
If you have a dog, does it get along with other dog? *
If you have a cat, does it get along with other dog? *
If you have a dog, does it get along with other cat? *
What veterinary hospital do you take your pet to (type N/A if you don't currently have pets)? *
Vet phone number (type N/A if you don't currently have a vet):
Are you experiencing any difficulties with your current pets in terms of health or behavior?*
If yes, please describe: (type N/A if you answered no)*
Did you have any pets while you were growing up? *
Have you had the experience of being a primary caregiver to a cat? *
Have you ever given a pet away, given it to a shelter or rescue group, returned it to a breeder or sold it? *
Have you ever had an animal for a short period of time and it didn't work out? *
Have you ever had an animal lost or stolen? *
Have you ever had to retrieve your pet from a pound, shelter or animal control facility? *
Have you ever had an animal die as a result of being hit by a car, being poisoned or from unknown causes? *
Have you previously applied to adopt from Lucky Cat Rescue? *


Please list all animals you have owned in the past 10 years, NOT including the pets that currently live with you

Past Pet #1 - Name:
Past Pet #1 - Species:
Past Pet #1 - If other, please specify:
Past Pet #1 - Breed:
Past Pet #1 - Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
Past Pet #1 - How long did you own your pet ?
Past Pet #1 - What happened to your pet?
Past Pet #1 - When did this happen?
Past Pet #2 - Name:
Past Pet #2 - Species:
Past Pet #2 - If other, please specify:
Past Pet #2 - Breed:
Past Pet #2 - Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
Past Pet #2 - How long did you own your pet ?
Past Pet #2 - What happened to your pet?
Past Pet #2 - When did this happen?
Past Pet #3 - Name:
Past Pet #3 - Species:
Past Pet #3 - If other, please specify:
Past Pet #3 - Breed:
Past Pet #3 - Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
Past Pet #3 - How long did you own your pet ?
Past Pet #3 - What happened to your pet?
Past Pet #3 - When did this happen?
Past Pet #4 - Name:
Past Pet #4 - Species:
Past Pet #4 - If other, please specify:
Past Pet #4 - Breed:
Past Pet #4 - Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
Past Pet #4 - How long did you own your pet ?
Past Pet #4 - What happened to your pet?
Past Pet #4 - When did this happen?
Past Pet #5 - Name:
Past Pet #5 - Species:
Past Pet #5 - If other, please specify:
Past Pet #5 - Breed:
Past Pet #5 - Altered (Spayed/Neutered)?
Past Pet #5 - How long did you own your pet ?
Past Pet #5 - What happened to your pet?
Past Pet #5 - When did this happen?


The cat will live:*
Where will the cat be when no one is home?*
Will the cat be allowed free roam of your home? *
What is the name of the veterinary practice you you plan to use? *
Why do you want to adopt a cat/kitten? *
If other, please specify?
Type of cat desired (check all that apply): *
(Type of cat desired) If other, please specify?
Desired tempemeant/personality (check all that apply): *
(Desired tempemeant/personality)If other, please specify?
Are you aware that some cats require a period of weeks or even months to adjust to their new home/environment/ other pets? *
Are you willing to allow for this adjustment period? *
Are you willing to bring your pet to a veterinarian for yearly exams, and for vaccinations per your veterinarian's recommendations? *
Are you willing to accept responsibility for this pet for the next 10 to 20 years or more? *
What circumstances might justify giving up a cat? (Check all that apply)? *
(What circumstances might justify giving up a cat? )If other, please specify?
If your new cat or kitten exhibits behavioral or adjustment issues, would you be willing to seek the advice of a LCR representatives? *
Please share any kitty habits you cannot tolerate: (Check all that apply)*
Please share with us anything you would like us to know about the new cat or kitten that you would like to add to your family.
Would you be interested in learning about some of our special needs or long term resident cats who are in need of loving, forever homes?*
Would you be willing to have an in-home visit by an LCR representative after you have adopted from us?*
Personal Reference #1 (non-family member)*
Relationship with personal reference #1*
Phone number of personal reference #1*
Personal Reference #2 (non-family member)*
Relationship with personal reference #2*
Phone number of personal reference #2*
Personal Reference #3 (non-family member)*
Relationship with personal reference #3*
Phone number of personal reference #3*

Affirmation that you understand terms and conditions for foster home application.

Any cat that accept for fostering will be a part of your family for one to several months. Each cat has its own distinct personality and preferences, some of which you can help shape, others which you cannot change. A pet makes considerable demands on your time and resources. Cat fosters need to spend time cleaning litter boxes, socializing, grooming, feeding and playing with their cat each day. Cat that are shy or have not had much human contact need even more time and socialization.

I have read the application and have completed it honestly. I understand that omission of information and/or failure to answer all questions and sign the application can result in this application being declined. Also, if an omission or untruth is discovered after the animal is placed in my care , I understand that Lucky Cat Rescue, Inc. reserves the right to annul the agreement and reclaim the animal. I give Lucky Cat Rescue, Inc. permission to fully investigate the information provided as well as contact veterinarians and related officials.

Do you accept Lucky Cat Rescue's above terms?*

I understand the fostering decision is dependent on many factors, including, but not limited to, the compatibility of the family and home to the individual animal. I understand it is Lucky Cat Rescue's prerogative to decide which home is most appropriate and that their decision is final. Unless otherwise indicated by Lucky Cat Rescue, Inc., I am free to apply under the application process again in the future. LUCKY CAT WILL CONTACT YOU WITHIN 7 DAYS IF YOUR APPLICATION HAS BEEN APPROVED.

Do you accept Lucky Cat Rescue's terms for application?*
Word Verification:

Cats and kittens are available for adoption by contacting us through our website

Please take some time to learn about our adoption process and read the adoption guidelines before filling out an adoption application form.

Click on “Contact Us” to schedule an appointment to meet a kitty.

Please consider making a donation today. 100% of each donation is used to support kitties in our program (vet bills, food, litter). Lucky Cat Rescue does not have a facility and is strictly a volunteer organization with limited foster care. Thank you for your support of our furry felines who depend on us for help.